Legal Information
Information in accordance with § 5 TMG from 1 March, 2007
QMR international GmbH
Qualitative Mind Research
Managing Director: Astrid Kunert
USt ID-Nr.: DE335812612
Steuer-Nr.: 143/173/73121
Registergericht: Amtsgericht München
Handelsregisternummer: München HRB 259942
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If you nevertheless choose to have such written legal warning sent without previous contact with us, you alone will have to bear the associated costs.
Image credits
- Home:
- Observation using behavioral psychology:
© Bildagentur PantherMedia - Ethnographic Interviews:
- Individual explorations using depth psychology:
- One-on-one interviews:
- Creative workshops:
- Group discussions:
- Mini-Groups:
- Online-surveys and -discussions:
- Delphi sessions:
© Bildagentur PantherMedia - Projects
AdobeStock © Gerhard Seybert
deseo DESIGN | Bettina Pyczak